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Improve Grades This School Year With Oxford Learning!

Stop last year’s school struggles and start this year on the fast track to great grades with a customized learning program.

  • Boost Subject Comprehension
  • Build Active Learning Skills
  • Improve Motivation & Confidence
  • Study Skills & Homework Support

Don’t wait to see what this school year will bring.
Take action and make better grades happen!

Sign up today!

Get Ready for Grade Primary & Grade 1 this Summer! 

Available in both French & English!

This summer program is the perfect way to give your child a head start on academic and social skills.

Morning Classes:
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00 am-12:30 pm
July 4 - August 27

Afternoon Classes:
Mondays & Wednesdays from 4-5:30 pm
July 8 - August 28

Price: $550 per month, which includes an academic assessment. Upgrade to our full cognitive assessment for an additional $175.

Space is limited. Call us today to enrol! 


Prepare for High School Math

Is algebra and geometry getting you down? Worried about keeping up in math when the new school year starts? Our Get Ready for High School Math program is the perfect solution!

Morning Classes:
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11-12:30 pm
July 4 - August 27

Afternoon Classes:
Mondays & Wednesdays from 4-5:30 pm
July 8 - August 28

Price: $550 per month, which includes an academic assessment. Upgrade to our full cognitive assessment for an additional $175.

Space is limited. Call us today to enrol! 





Oxford Learning is a great place for those of us students who feel they would like to have that extra time to ask more questions and learn more than just the answers. They have helped me with multiple subjects, and use different strategies to create an enjoyable learning experience. The staff are very knowledgeable in all school subjects, and can easily help you in more than one subject during a session. The study skills you learn at Oxford Learning stick with you long after the session and stay with you while working at school. For those students who feel there’s always improvement to be made, or simply want to fine tune their consistent grades, Oxford Learning is for you. - Lucas
Lucas, Grade 11
“Coming into Oxford Learning the first week was difficult, I did not enjoy the thought of having a tutor, it made me feel dumb. But throughout the weeks that followed it became less of a chore to come in and more of something that I enjoyed doing. My teacher made coming in fun, he didn’t just help me do the work, he helped me completely understand the material I was being taught and helped me realize that having a tutor doesn’t make me dumb, he showed me that having someone to help me is good because it shows I care and that I’m trying to better myself. I saw my teacher more as a friend than a tutor, he didn’t talk down to me, he made me feel like a person not a student or client. He would pick at my brain and make me explore things further. Overall, my experience with Oxford Learning was amazing, the study techniques they taught me helped me greatly. After being at Oxford Learning, all my marks increased noticeably, and I was understanding more. I recommend being at Oxford Learning greatly.”
Jake, Grade 12
Bonjour Liam's progress is incredible! I am baffled! His reading has improved so much. If you can afford it, Oxford Learning works for him... awesome job Oxford Learning! Bravo Liam! Je suis tellement fière de lui. Merci et bonne fin de journée, Mme. C
Classroom Teacher Testimonial
“My grades went up 10% in both classes.” “I get more work done here than anywhere else.” “Oxford Learning made me understand things way better than I did before.” “Oxford Learning helped me with way more things than just my grades, like study skills and how to be a good student.” “My Oxford Learning teacher is super personable and makes me understand the material way better.”
Cameron L, Grade 11
Dear Lorelei and Shelly and the Oxford Learning Team, I decided tonight to write you a thank you note for all that you have done for Jessica. I am afraid that the words may not come as easily as I would like them to because I am afraid that words could not express what your help has done to not only Jessica but our entire family. I think if I had not made that phone call a year ago we would be facing a completely different path of life four our daughter. One where we have lost her to self-destruction, low self-esteem, and a complete disregard for school and teachers. I truly believe that was the path she was on. What you all have done for her in this past year is nothing short of amazing; it has been a true gift. To see her successes at school and in life has been such a joy to watch. She has confidence, she has pride, and she has matured so much and become a very confident 13-year-old girl, ready to face school challenges and she now has a lot more opportunities ahead of her as she grows and continues school and eventually a promising career path. When I think of the countless phone calls and emails I received from her teachers in grade 6 about her behaviour, about her inability to learn, about her lack of effort and that she all but shut down to everything to do with her learning, her poor results on her report cards. And then a few short months later after she was with you, when she was in grade 7 the incredible positive phone calls and emails from her teachers and the positive report cards that had me constantly shaking my head saying... are they sure they have the right girl?? Who is this girl who has replaced my daughter? I am so proud of Jessica I can't even begin to explain to her how much she has changed, I am not sure she realizes it yet but I know someday she will cross your paths again and she will be able to say that this experience changed her life and made her who she is. I would lay money on it. She is a wonderful girl and I am so proud of how hard she worked and the efforts that she made to really make sure she got the most of her time with you all. She couldn't have done it without you all, your friendly, positive, no pressure way of approaching learning is amazing. I hope that we have outgrown your services, but I am comforted to know that if we need your help, you will be there. We will make it a point to stop in a visit once in a while and will do our best to keep you updated on Jessica's life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done. We will miss you so much. Lots of love, Kim S.
Kim S.
Before starting school my husband and I had a difficult decision to make. Do we register our son for French Immersion? At the beginning things were great. He loved going to school and seeing his friends and teachers. However, by the time he started Grade 3 things changed. He started falling behind in school. Although the school noticed some areas of concern, our son was only one of many students that needed extra help and the school had limited resources. We began helping him at home; we bought program books and studied with him every night. The school noticed our son’s efforts, but things were not improving. Our son began to withdraw. A boy who under any other circumstance, flourishes and brings complete joy to everyone he meets. A boy who loves basketball and music. A boy whose spirit was crushed because, for him, going to school meant tears and frustrations. His Grade 5 teacher finally said that French Immersion may be his barrier. As parents, we needed to be sure. The school did not provide clear validation if it was the language barrier or some other learning disability. We were faced with another difficult decision. Do we pull our son out of French Immersion? We needed to be sure and the school could not provide definitive answers to our questions. While searching for a solution, my husband and I discovered Oxford Learning. Oxford Learning did a preliminary test which narrowed down our son’s drawbacks. The drawbacks appeared to be primarily in the language, but because our son struggled so long he was behind almost two grade levels, both in French and English. The decision was clear. We took him out of French Immersion, but that did not solve the problem. We needed to get our son at the level he needed to be. Oxford Learning presented us with a program that would give him the help he needed to get back on track. The program covered a lot of information, but Oxford Learning delivered it in concise chunks that were easy to absorb. The structure was clear, logical and effective. This format provided my son with a foundation of learning and gave him the confidence to implement new techniques in his schoolwork. By the time Grade 6 came, Oxford Learning confirmed our son was at the level he needed to be, but his new Grade 6 teacher was sceptical. By the first report card her apprehension disappeared and said our son is not only at the level he should be but helps others who are struggling. This story was positive only with the help of Oxford Learning. We sincerely appreciate the work that Oxford Learning has provided to our son. We have seen the progress that our son has achieved and know his foundation of learning has improved. NI
L.I., Grade 6
The changes we have seen in our 8 year-old son since he started in the after-school program at Oxford Learning are absolutely remarkable. He started the program with good reading skills but minimal interest in challenging himself with books or writing anything of substance. He now asks to write in his journal before bed and is working on a "chapter book" at school about a pirate adventure! His handwriting has improved drastically, as has the care and pride he takes in his work generally. He has developed a love for reading and writing that is priceless, and we can't thank the wonderful teachers Oxford Learning enough for instilling that in him. Wendy M
Wendy M
Hi Lorelei, This email is long overdue. As you know we had Sebastian enrolled in Oxford Learning for the last year or so. It all started when his fall report card for Grade 4 came home and his comprehension and writing was a C and his teacher told us that it was on the decline. There was some genuine concern as, if he did not improve by Grade 6 and higher, he was in real jeopardy of some definite struggles. My wife and I sat down and looked into all our options. In the beginning, I was naive enough to think I could turn this around myself, with extra attention and help. Boy was I wrong! So we decided to enroll him in Oxford Learning. I guess I could go on about his time there, but I think it is easiest to say - the rest is history. By the end of his Grade 4 year and his final report card, his mark was an A! A complete turn around. Well, he is now almost finished Grade 5 and I know he is thriving in all his writing and assignments - he actually sits down and writes 3 - 5 page stories, whereas before we were lucky to get 3-5 lines on a page. He loves putting his creativity and imagination to print and has really shown a complete turnaround. In summary, I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU! You have all been amazing, Sebastian absolutely loved his time at Oxford Learning: he did not see it as extra school work or a chore, he looked forward to going and was bittersweet when he learned he was done. We are very proud of him and extremely thankful for all of you and the AMAZING work that you do. Simon H
Simon H
Oxford Learning teaches me a lot of stuff in language and math. In English, for example, they teach me about conjunctions. In math they help with whatever I’m having trouble with. They teach me things that I’ve never learned before. They even help me with homework and projects when I need it. Ryan, Age 12
Ryan, Age 12
The people at Oxford Learning are very nice. They teach me and help me learn my own way and it is so much easier for me. I like Oxford Learning and I like learning again! Abbey, Age 10
Abbey Age 10
Oxford Learning is the best place to learn and have fun because the teachers are very friendly and they help you when you need it. Some of the work is not hard anymore. If you want to try Oxford Learning, it’s a great place to learn. Keya, Age 13
Keya Age 13
Oxford Learning has helped me with my English work. I never realized it, but everything they have been getting me to do has helped with what I am doing in school. Oxford Learning is very fun when you try your hardest! Jessica, Age 13
Jessica Age 13
I like Oxford Learning because it’s fun! I like learning blends. My teacher, Kelli, helps me learn. Storme, Age 7
Storme Age 7
Oxford Learning turned out to be the answer to our 8-year-old son's reading confidence issues. The feedback we received after his initial assessment clearly pinpointed areas for development and the plan for addressing the deficits was geared to his specific issues. Staff were available and willing to answer any of our questions and were very flexible as far as scheduling to meet our needs. They were very positive about his progress and were well able to demonstrate the gains he was making along the way. His first report card three months after starting at Oxford Learning was proof-positive that it was making a significant difference in his academic performance. Oxford Learning was time and money well-spent. Vicki B.
Vicki B.


High School Math & Science Coach/Tutor/Teacher Wanted

Bedford, Nova Scotia

Opens on: 2024-07-27
Closes on: 2024-09-13

Elementary Coach/Tutor/Teacher

Bedford, Nova Scotia

Opens on: 2024-07-27
Closes on: 2024-09-13

Junior High Teacher/Tutors

Bedford, Nova Scotia

Opens on: 2024-01-17
Closes on: 2024-09-13

Quality Tutoring in Bedford

Conveniently located in Bedford, Oxford Learning® provides parents and students in the North West Halifax region with tutoring programs that use an engaging, hands-on approach to learning. Whether your child needs help catching up or is looking for more of a challenge, our tutors can help your child reach his or her full potential.

Our tutoring centre in Bedford provides students with customized tutoring programs in areas including Math, English, Science, French, study skills, and more. Our Bedford tutors help students of every level build the skills and confidence they need to achieve results and succeed in every area and subject.

Serving Bedford & Beyond

Oxford Learning® welcomes students from Bedford and surrounding areas, including Lucasville, Hammonds Plains, Sackville.

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iFinance Canada

The pre-approval does not impact your credit file while allowing you to view the terms of their loan application to make an informed decision. Click Here To Learn More About iFinance.

*Applying online with the link above will only apply at Oxford Learning Bedford. Payment plans may not be available at other Oxford Learning locations.

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Math tutors in Bedford

Math can be a challenge for students at any grade level. Our math tutoring programs are customized to your child’s needs, so he or she can learn math in an engaging, relatable way.

Science tutors in Bedford

Our science tutoring programs help students develop stronger thinking, learning, and studying skills so they can better understanding science and master basic and advanced concepts.

English tutors in Bedford

Strong communication skills are a foundation to success. Our English tutors help students build strong reading and writing skills that can be used in every subject.

French tutors in Bedford

Oxford Learning®’s French tutoring programs are tailored to your child’s learning needs, helping students of all skill levels develop stronger French skills and confidence.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Helping Students Get Better Grades!

Canada’s trusted tutor since 1984.