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Improve Grades This School Year With Oxford Learning!

Stop last year’s school struggles and start this year on the fast track to great grades with a customized learning program.

  • Boost Subject Comprehension
  • Build Active Learning Skills
  • Improve Motivation & Confidence
  • Study Skills & Homework Support

Don’t wait to see what this school year will bring.
Take action and make better grades happen!

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Power Tips from Tutors

October 7, 2020

As you welcome the new school year, we want to help you and your child make this the best year yet! To do that, we asked our instructors to share helpful tips for studying, writing, reading, math, science, organization, etc. Check out this page for new tips every week!

1. Manage Screen Time

"Make sure to schedule appropriate non-screen time, especially with so much learning moving online. Starring at the screen for so much longer than we're used to can really impact our productivity. Make sure to stand up, stretch, get a drink of water, a healthy snack, go for a walk, etc."


2.Prepare The day before

"Review the next day's schedule before going home to make sure you have all the materials you need for homework that evening, and to be mentally prepared for the day ahead."

~Anne Marie

3. Keep Trying, especially when it's hard

"Do not fear difficult projects. Find ways to overcome challenges, ask for guidance if needed, persevere and work diligently, and be both proud of and humbled at your progress and successes."


4. Take Study Breaks

 Try to take study breaks! Work hard for 30 minutes, then take a 20-minute break. Use a timer to help you keep track. Never use your break time to watch TV! TV is the ultimate time-waster, and it is tempting to keep watching TV once you start, even after your break is over. Try to do something active around the house instead. Spend 20 minutes walking your dog, organizing your backpack, having a snack, straightening up a room, or setting out clothes for tomorrow. Anything that gets your body moving! This will give your body a break from sitting at a desk, and will keep your mind sharp.


5. Simplify Math Problems

"If you're stuck on a complicated math problem and you don't know where to begin, try coming up with a simpler version of the problem. For example, you could do this by substituting variables with actual numbers, changing the shape if it's a geometry question, only work on a small portion of the whole problem, etc. This will help you get the bigger picture of how to tackle the original problem."


6. Test Yourself

“When you study, review what you know and test yourself on what you are uncertain of.”


7. SQ Your Notes!

"I always highlight/underline the keywords in my notes and handouts. That helps me to memorize keywords and concepts so that I can recall them during tests or quizzes."


8. Get Started

"If you find yourself procrastinating, make a list of the tasks for your project/paper. Then commit to doing the easiest task first! Sometimes the hardest step is simply getting started."



My daughter has been going to Oxford for 2 years, now. Her improvements in reading and writing have been outstanding, and the one-to-one tutoring has really helped her settle down and focus. Great environment lots of caring tutors. May 20, 2022
Caring tutors
Excellent French learning program! My daughter has been with Oxford Learning for more than two years. She is growing her French proficiency and confidence day by day. The staff are passionate and professional educators. They really brought my daughter to a whole new level. Y. Ying October 21, 2021
We do French!
Outstanding and second to none! Oxford Learning really helped my son build his confidence and be more familiar in a classroom setting. All tutors are professional, patient, and well trained. They adjust well to each student's unique needs and make an individual plan that is attainable. They conduct an evaluation meeting with parents from time to time to ensure that all goals are being met or adjusted. We truly found a gem! Thanks to all the staff, and especially to Alexis and Sasha. Keep doing great things for our future generation. April 6, 2021
Michael Q.
Oxford Learning is an excellent institution that helps kids develop in their early stage of learning. Gives feedback consistently. Friendly and approachable staff. My daughter has been catching up very well in school since I enrolled her at Oxford Learning. January 25, 2021
Reading is Fun in Any Language
Highly recommended!! My son got classes from here. Very knowledgeable, encouraging and attention to detail teachers. I will recommend this place to everyone. January 18, 2021
He came for French and also got Organization, Confidence and Even More Motivation
Hi Alexis I wanted to thank you for making the in-person tutoring available over Zoom. With Emily in Grade 12 it was important to us that we find a way to ensure her education continued to be supported during this time of school closures and online learning. We decided we should at least give the Zoom option a try, and we are glad we did. Using Zoom allows Emily to meet face-to-face with her tutor, putting them at the same virtual table. They are able to continue working on topics that Emily is catching up on from past grades. More importantly, she is able to discuss with her tutor topics being covered in her online classes that she needs to be explained in more detail than her school teachers are currently able to. In addition, having regularly scheduled sessions gives Emily’s week some much-needed structure. As a parent it also gives me the reassurance that I am not Emily’s only educational support at this time. I know that she will be ready for next year. Finally, I wanted to say that your use of Zoom has made the online technology part simple for both Emily and myself. It’s like any video chat. I would strongly recommend to any parent to continuing their child’s tutoring through your Zoom ‘in-person’ tutoring sessions. At the very least to give it a try and see if it will work for their child. It would be so easy to say no and think that they will be able to just catch up next year, but if you’ve already seen the value in going to Oxford Learning, you know that it will only be harder catching up next year. Oxford Learning, face-to-face on Zoom, is the next best thing to Oxford Learning in person. Thanks again, Erin
Face-to-face on Zoom is the next best thing to Oxford Learning in person!
I wanted to share how excited Jenna was (and me too!) about her return to school last week. The teacher started the second day by doing some exercises to understand where the class was in terms of ability, and when it got to multiplication and long division, many of her classmates were struggling. Jenna took the opportunity to help them out and was so pleased and proud of herself at the end of the day. Many thanks again to Ying Ying and Kemal for taking the time to work with her in June and over the summer. The efforts on both sides are showing, and Jenna couldn't stop smiling, and neither can I. Thank you so much! Happy Friday (the 13th!) Michelle
Summer Brain Camp leads to Smiles
Our daughter started at Oxford Learning when she was three-years-old. She has been attending for two years to help her jump-start reading and math. Throughout the two-year journey, we have been very impressed with how Oxford Learning has helped her develop reading, writing, and math skills. The teachers are very attentive and have adapted to the swings of having a toddler attempting to learn and focus during the sessions. We have seen great results and would highly recommend Oxford Learning to any parent looking to help their child further their skills. August 2019
Two of my daughters have been struggling with math significantly, so we enrolled them at Oxford Learning. Neither of them was thrilled about it. Within about a month of starting both their tutors and I noticed a change in their attitudes as they began to understand the concepts and get the math. I believe that a big part of this change for them is rooted in the testing that was done before they started. It let Alexis and her team know where MY girls needed to start in order to succeed. It wasn't based on their current age or grade, but on their current skill and ability in math. Starting from there, and with a very good educational plan in place, the tutors have been doing an excellent job of helping my girls make progress, and more importantly, start to feel capable and smart in this area again. Some of the skills they've been learning in math have also been spilling over into other academic areas and helping them there also. Centre Director Alexis has a phenomenal knowledge of math and is the first person my girls have ever met who actually enjoys math. This has been an eye-opener for them; that what has been so difficult for them can actually be enjoyed. Their tutors at Oxford Learning communicate that same enjoyment of the subject, and because the tutoring takes place in a very small group setting (3 students to 1 tutor) they are able to get immediate feedback on their work. This means that when they make a mistake it is corrected promptly and when they are doing the math correctly that is immediately affirmed. All of these things together is making this a very successful learning opportunity for my children and I am grateful. July 2018
Our son was struggling with grade 8 math and failed some tests resulting in a mark in the 50’s. In the second term, we signed him up for twice a week tutoring at Oxford Learning. His mark improved to 72% by the next report card. His most recent test score was 91%. The best thing though is that his confidence has dramatically increased and he actually looks forward to going! (this is incredible to us and has reduced homework conflict significantly). He has a great match with his Oxford Learning tutor and they get his needs. Great communication with parents. Very encouraging!
Lisa H.
We got our daughter’s report card just before the Christmas break and we are incredibly proud of her. . . all of her marks were in the 80s to 90s (except science where she got a 78%) but she’s working on that. It was so exciting to see how she has excelled from last year to this year. A Proud Grade 8 Mother January, 2017
The Study Skills for Math impact Other Subjects
Connor participated in the Oxford Learning Study Skills this past summer due to difficulty in his second semester of Red River College. Along with the skills he learned at Oxford Learning, a reduced class load (he has auditory processing difficulties) and some intervention through the college he finished last semester with 2 A’s and 1 A+. We are very proud of him and he is proud of himself. He is taking the computer science program (BIT-Business Information Technology) at a slower pace (3 classes/semester vs 5), but he is learning and retaining the information and most of all enjoying the program. We are very glad we stumbled upon Oxford Learning during an online search. It gave him some skills and confidence to improve his study habits and organization and improve his marks. Thank you , Nancy , John & Connor January, 2018
Study Skills Lead to Academic Success
My son has been at Oxford Learning since May 2016. When we met with Alexis in May 2016, my husband and I were very concerned with his education. We had met with his teachers but they are only able to teach a certain way and that was not working for our son. In the 21 classes that he has been with Oxford Learning he has grown leaps and bounds and progressed from pre-K level in reading to Grade 3. His teacher and the entire staff is fantastic. I just thought you should know. Sincerely, S. Anderson Fall 2016
Summer is a Great Time to Catch Up
Thank you to the entire staff at Oxford Learning for the time Adam has been here. Your encouragement and support have helped him become more confident and knowledgeable in the school work that he does. We very much appreciate everything that you do! From the Jagla family June, 2017
Ready for New Challenges
Oxford Learning has proven to be a great supplement to Jayden's education over the last 3 years and you have helped him become a better student because of it. I want to thank you for all your help and guidance along the way, as you have been an excellent source of knowledge, encouragement, and motivation for Jayden to be able to believe in himself (and us too). We are very grateful for the benefits we have gained thus far. Thank you again, Debbie December, 2017
Ready to Handle High School
We just got Jack's report card from the first term and we're very happy with him. We really think that Jack's tutoring at Oxford Learning has really made transitioning from 2nd to 3rd grade so much smoother. Thank you so much for all your great work! Aleta November, 2017
Summer at Oxford Learning Helps in the Transition to Grade 3
The year is humming along, we're already in the middle of October! Hope your year is going well so far. Just wanted to let you know that Gavin is doing awesome this year. He's a surprising kid - it can be easy to underestimate him but then he keeps shocking me with his progress. He's building on everything he has learned so far, everything that he gained during his time with you and other skills and taking it to a new level. There may still be some challenges ahead; he hasn't taken a test yet, but I am extremely pleased with how he is doing. Grade 1 seems to be going well too. I'll know more after the parent-teacher conference but no big problems that I can see. He's maturing. Also continuing with the piano lessons this year. It seems at this point we have moved beyond some of the basic reading, writing, fine motor skills. I will forever appreciate the role you played in getting him to where he is right now. We may be back at some point to work on other skills. But for now, we seem to be okay with the activities we are in right now. All the best, take care, Alison October, 2017
A Little Reader Moves On
I appreciate EVERYTHING that you have done for us! You and your team have given her not just information and tools to succeed, but also the courage and strength of mind and character to want to succeed on her own. THANK YOU! October, 2017
Oxford Learning Teaches How to Learn
Hope all is well. RJ is in Grade 11 now at Oak Park High School. He is doing well and has been comfortably passing all his courses the last few years—a big improvement from his earlier school years. Definitely, Oxford Learning has really helped him—what a difference it made! All the best for 2016! Parents of RJ
How Summer Brain Camp Helps
If my son hasn't told you yet, his report card was one of his best. He is elated and feeling a confidence in his abilities that is new and exciting. He is coming along indeed! Marlene S. November, 2010
Oxford Learning Develops Confidence
Grace is growing in leaps and bounds since I enrolled her in Brain Camp this summer! I would love to have her continue to benefit from the learning she has experienced with you this summer....And again, I am so happy that I found your learning centre and that Grace has benefited so much from it! Cindy August, 2015
Summer Brain Camp for Knowledge and Confidence
Thank you for helping Hannah learn how to read! It's hard to imagine that just 7 months ago she didn't even know how to hold a pencil properly or that the letters of the alphabet all have different sounds. And now she's sounding out each letter as she reads a word and her motor skills have improved a great deal! So thank you for patiently working with Hannah. We hope to continue working with you! Kathy K., mother of Hannah, 3 years old September, 2011
Yes, 3-Year-Olds Can Read
What a difference! When Caleb first started coming in the spring, it was a challenge to get him to come. And he hated school. But this September, what a pleasant change! I was dreading bringing him today but he told me that he likes school and he likes Oxford Learning. He enjoys coming now. And he is so much happier. Charyl, grandmother to Caleb, Grade 2 September, 2015
Oxford Learning Helps Make School Enjoyable
You remember how reluctant my son was to come when he first started? Well, given that we have had to miss a few classes because of my grandfather's health I was concerned that he might be unhappy when I told him we were coming this evening. But when he heard the news he said,"Yesss!" and looked very happy. It was no trouble at all to get him to come in. He enjoys what he is doing with you here and has really started to put it into practice at home and at school! Even his Grade 1 teacher noticed that he is asking more questions and showing interest in a way she did not expect of him. I think he understands what is going on better and so he notices if he is missing some information. Amber December, 2010
Oxford Learning Builds Understanding
Thursday evening, Steven was so funny! After he left, his first comment was 'I was soooo on task today!' He then told me he was so focused that he finished 2 books and still had 5 minutes left. I never thought he'd get so excited about his own 'focus' and 'being able to stay on task'. Great work! Mother to Steven, 9-years-old October, 2011
Oxford Learning Builds Focus
I have really noticed that Michael's confidence is up and it's because, for the first time, he's started the school year in a position to do the work, thanks to Oxford Learning! I really think that his time spent at Oxford Learning and especially over the summer months helped. He's already mastered all his spelling words for the month and they are all at grade 7 level. He told me he read part of a chapter book to the resource teacher and he told Michael that he was "impressed". Thanks again, Sunny September, 2013
A Summer at Oxford Learning Can Help Catch Up
Oxford Learning staff have been a lifesaver for my daughters for the past five years. We owe Oxford Learning and particularly Alexis and Jacqueline a mountain of gratitude for their invaluable contribution to my children's development. Oxford Learning helped my high school daughter develop her study skills and time management skills, as well as raising her self confidence and allowing her to work up to her potential. They helped in her transition from high school to university and she is now a very happy and successful student at the U of Manitoba. Our elementary school daughter was underachieving but when Oxford Learning staff discovered her auditory function disorder, they dug in and helped her. She continues to go to Oxford Learning three times a week and will be going until she graduates from high school. Oxford Learning helps her with the school schedule and her extracurricular activities, to plan her study time and concentrate. She is thriving and so proud of herself, and we are so lucky and grateful that we have found Oxford Learning. Thank you! Anonymous March, 2014
Oxford Learning Teaches Study Skills and Time Management
Dear Alexis and the crew at Oxford Learning, We are at the end of our second year with Oxford Learning. Where I once had trepidation, I now have great anticipation for Jorden's future. You are an important cog in the journey Jorden is on. I thank you profoundly for giving us hope. Annette December, 2013
Oxford Learning Can Be the Light at the End of the Tunnel
My daughter has only had six classes in Little Readers but this week, her Kindergarten teacher emailed me to say she has seen 'remarkable' progress and to keep up whatever I am doing! I had already noticed improvement myself but was so pleased to have an external confirmation. Amanda, mother to Reese, age 5. February, 2015
Little Readers Improve Their Reading
Thanks for all you have done for Alicia! We have noticed a definite change in Alicia's confidence, not only related to school, but in other areas as well. Hopefully, Alicia will continue to use the tools you have provided her for studying, and she will continue to apply them without attending tutoring on a regular basis! Alicia really appreciated Jacqueline; she not only was able to become more confident in her French, but Alicia learned from Jacqueline that learning is a lifelong process and can be enjoyable! Thank Jacqueline for that! If anyone is ever in the need of tutoring, I will definitely recommend Oxford Learning to them! It has been a pleasure coming to the centre and witnessing the work you do with the students who attend! Thanks again, Sheri May, 2012
Oxford Learning Helps Establish Lifelong Learning
Your expertise in teaching has put my mind at ease. Thank you for your hard work in supporting my daughter. Victoria is happy and feels encouraged, and we have seen tremendous progress.
A. Campbell
It was a tremendous experience with Oxford Learning Winnipeg. My daughter had a hard time with English since we came to Canada last December. Improving English as a second language in a short period of time required considerable effort and required expert guidance. Of course, she was taking the EAL course at school, but I wanted to find a program that could improve her English skills in a shorter period of time more intensively during the summer break, and I was fortunate enough to find Oxford Learning. The two months I spent with Oxford Learning were amazing. The course started by diagnosing the problem with the first English assessment test and analyzing exactly which areas to focus on. All the courses, from evaluation, counselling, and lectures, were really professional. As a result, my daughter's English has improved enough to keep up with her high school classes in a short period of time. Children who immigrate to Canada for the first time, especially those in 7th grade or older, have a lot of difficulty in adjusting in the beginning. Most of the problems are caused by poor communication in English. I can assure you that Oxford Learning is the perfect solution to those problems in a short period of time. Of course, your child will have to work hard too. Jay, October 2022
Jay Yoon

This summer, students can choose between Brain Camps in Math, French, and Study Skills, as well as the core programs that run throughout the year. With the introduction of Virtual Table™, we are proud to offer those same programs online! Oxford Learning is a Canadian company that has been helping young people reach their potential for over 30 years.

During the summer, we offer special pricing on our core programming. When you purchase the Summer Bundle, you can buy 30 hours of tutoring for the price of 25 hours!

Eight-year-old Keran was excited to learn how to square multiples of 5 last summer. His mother reported that he felt good being able to do some mental math that his teacher had to check with a calculator.

Oxford Learning Summer Camps

Math Can Be Fun!

Sometimes, the enjoyment of math is hampered by a lack of specific skills. The Summer Brain Camp at Oxford Learning begins with a placement test that identifies skill gaps and gives us a road map to address them properly. A program designed to match each child’s specific needs ensures your child will build an understanding of math basics while learning insider tips to build math confidence.

Beat the Summer Brain Drain

For children to feel confident in math, they need mastery of certain core material. A two-month break may wipe out many of the gains made during the school year; with COVID-19 closures, the loss of knowledge will be even greater. Math Camp is an easy way to maintain momentum and even gain ground. A flexible schedule means that parents can work around camping trips and other commitments while ensuring that their child will return to school with good retention of last year’s concepts, ready to take on the new material with enthusiasm!

Who: Students aged 6 to 17

What: Up to 8 math concepts based on an academic assessment (book early by calling 204.944.0898 or emailing winnipeg@oxfordlearning.com)

Where: In-person or online

When: Any collection of 10 or more weekday mornings, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, or afternoons, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, between June 19 and September 1, 2023

Why: Math is essential and can be fun with the right exposure and foundations. Math is important. We make it fun.

French Can Be Fun!

Every Canadian student takes French at some point. Whether it’s introductory classes, immersion, or French First Language, learning French isn’t always easy.

Sometimes, enjoying French is hampered by a lack of specific skills. The Summer Brain Camp at Oxford Learning addresses skill gaps by identifying them with a placement test. A program designed to match each child’s specific needs ensures your child will build an understanding of French basics while learning tricks and tips to build French confidence.

Beat the Summer Brain Drain

A two-month break from French practice may wipe out many of the gains made during the school year. French Camp is an easy way of maintaining momentum and even gaining ground. A flexible schedule means that parents can work around camping trips and other commitments while ensuring that their child will return to school with good retention of last year’s concepts and be ready to take on the new material enthusiastically!

Who: Students from 6 to 17

What: Improve French basics and develop French skills, starting with an academic assessment (book early by calling 204.944.0898 or emailing winnipeg@oxfordlearning.com)

Where: In-person or online

When: Any collection of 10 or more weekday mornings, 9:00 am -12:00 pm, or afternoons, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, between June 19 and September 1, 2023

Why: Say “oui” to better French grades.
French is important. We make it fun.

Studying Can Be Fun!

Studying is a fact of life for students, but when it comes to study time, not all students know how to work effectively. That’s because study skills are not usually taught in class. When test time rolls around, students can find studying stressful. But it doesn’t have to be: with the right skills, students can change studying from stressful to stress-free!

Beat the Summer Brain Drain

With school on break, summer is the perfect time for students to develop better study skills.
Study skill programs are an easy way of maintaining momentum and gaining ground. A flexible schedule means that parents can work around camping trips and other commitments while ensuring that their child will return to school with good retention of last year’s concepts, ready to take on the new material with enthusiasm!

Who: Grade 6 to University

What: Develop stronger study skills, starting with an academic assessment (book early by calling 204.944.0898 or emailing winnipeg@oxfordlearning.com)

Where: Online through Virtual Table™ 

When: Any collection of 10 or more weekday mornings, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, or afternoons, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, between June 19  and September 1, 2023

Why: Learn the skills that optimize study. Study skills are important. They make learning fun.


Winnipeg Family

Alexis Yildir

Alexis Yildir

Centre Director

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Bingjie Xu

Bingjie Xu

Part-time Education Coordinator

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Cathy VanKoughnet

Cathy VanKoughnet

Instructor - Reading, Writing, and Math

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Ying Ying Yang

Ying Ying Yang

Instructor - Math

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Cheikh Ndoye

Cheikh Ndoye

Instructor: French and Math

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Mary McAuley

Mary McAuley

Part-time Education Coordinator

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Heather Valdez

Heather Valdez


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Janet Groen

Janet Groen

Instructor - Reading, Writing, and Math

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Aasiyah Khan

Aasiyah Khan

Instructor - Math, ELA

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Jenaya Groen

Jenaya Groen

Instructor - Math, Science, Reading

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Fatimah Khan

Fatimah Khan

Instructor - Math, Reading and Science

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Dehiya Nait Achour

Dehiya Nait Achour

Instructor - French

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Satinderpal Kaur

Satinderpal Kaur

Instructor - Math, Reading and Science

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Teagan McMahon

Teagan McMahon

Instructor - English

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Mohammed Khan

Mohammed Khan

Instructor - Math, Chemistry, Physics and Reading

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Instructor - French

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Upcoming Events

Looking for resources to support French learning?

Based on requests from Oxford Learning parents and students, we have compiled a list of media that can provide enrichment for people learning French.

If you have access to Netflix, I suggest that you create a separate profile and set that profile’s language to French. This highlights the French language options on Netflix. In particular, documentaries, such as Our Planet, usually use slower diction. Here are some possible shows on Netflix, either in French or with French audio/subtitles:

  • Peppa Pig 
  • Our Planet 
  • Paw Patrol
  • La Fête à la Maison
  • Notre Planète
  • Les Frères Kratt
  • Max et Ruby
  • Avatar: Le Dernier Maitre de L’Air
  • Anne
  • Astérix: Le domaine des dieux

Here are two links to a website for children run by Radio Canada, the national French-language radio, television and media broadcaster. There are many activities for children along with online access to current and former television shows.

Younger children: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/prescolaire/emissions

Older children: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/scolaire/emissions

Here are links to several websites that have lists of French books and appropriate levels and ages:



Don’t forget to check out your local library and ask the librarians for recommendations based on age and skill level!

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Top Quality Tutoring in Winnipeg

The Winnipeg Oxford Learning® provides exceptional tutoring programs to students of all ages and skill levels. Our tutors are committed to helping your child improve in school with an engaging experience and lessons that stick—so your child reaches his or her full potential.

Oxford Learning®’s tutors develop customized tutoring programs to make sure that your child receives the best possible experience. Whether help is needed in Math, English, Science, French, homework, or studying, our tutors teach your child the skills he or she needs to achieve measurable results.

Serving Winnipeg & Beyond

The tutors at Oxford Learning® welcome students from Winnipeg and surrounding areas, including Elie, Stonewall, Selkirk, Niverville, Beausejour.


We are very pleased to share that our very own Alexis Yildir has been awarded the Pillar Award at the 2022 All Franchise Meeting in Niagara Falls! This award recognizes franchisees who serve as shining examples of brand integrity. They are role models for us all, reminding us to always focus on what matters most–helping our students reach their highest potential.

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Math tutors in Winnipeg

A solid foundation in Mathematics can help in all areas of life. Our Math tutors help students reach their goals with engaging and fun Math tutoring programs.

Science tutors in Winnipeg

Our Science tutoring programs are customized to meet the unique needs and learning styles of each student so he or she can succeed in Science class.

English tutors in Winnipeg

Success in English requires skills beyond basic reading and writing. Our English tutors promote critical thinking and communication skills that help students across all subjects.

French tutors in Winnipeg

Oxford Learning®’s French tutoring programs help students build the skills and confidence needed to learn languages. Our French tutors develop your child’s Français in all areas.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Helping Students Get Better Grades!

Canada’s trusted tutor since 1984.