How To Study: Part 1
Every day counts. Do a little review and studying each day. Schedule time for your homework and study. Have a plan and work your plan. No homework? Work on assignments; review and correct mistakes from class or tests; plan your study schedule for next week; memorize the “tough” stuff. Here are some tips to get you started:
Listen and Hear
- Start every class by deciding to pay close attention. Whisper a reminder to yourself that you will understand everything that the teacher says.
- Every five minutes or so, quietly summarize the lesson to yourself.
- Jot notes of the main ideas as you listen. Underline or highlight key words.
- When you don’t understand something, make a note and ask someone to explain it to you later.
- Notice what distracts you in the classroom. Take steps to make sure that it does not happen again. If you find that you are daydreaming, bring yourself back to task and try to fill in the parts you have missed.
Remember What You Hear
- Everyone has a good memory if it is used properly.
- Take your main idea class notes home every evening and expand them into a study note. Include subordinate and sub-details. At first you may have to use a text or your classroom notes. Eventually, with practice, you will be able to remember these details.
- Review these notes to make sure that you understand them within two days and once more before you begin to study for a test.
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams!