11 Tips For Helping Your Child Manage A Lot Of Homework

One of the easiest ways for students to develop confidence in class is being able to turn in homework completed and on time. But in order to accomplish this, students need a strategy for tackling homework—especially when there is a lot to do.
It’s not uncommon for parents to hear, “I have too much homework and no time to do it!” or even, “I have so much homework I want to cry!”
When it comes to homework, a little planning and organization helps students of all ages complete their homework on time. When solid homework habits are established, good grades follow—not just for the next test but for the entire school year.
If your child feels overwhelmed with homework, use the tips below to set up a good homework strategy he or she can feel confident managing.
How To Deal With Homework Overload
Set Up a Study Area
Make Materials Available To The Homework Zone
Remove Distractions
Use An Agenda
Prioritize Tasks
Set a Time Frame
Offer Guidance
Stay Informed
Be A Role Model
Offer Praise
Watch Frustration Levels
From the first day of class, designate one area of the house as the “homework zone.” This should be an area free from distractions that is dedicated to working on projects and assignments. Encourage your child to avoid studying in bed—beds should be reserved for sleeping only.
Separating homework from leisure time activities (like sitting in front of the TV) keeps your child focused on the task at hand, freeing up time later on once homework is done.
Consider what tools your child needs to get homework done. Use a container or box to keep all supplies handy—anything that your child may need access to during homework should be easily accessible.
Having these materials readily available means less time is wasted searching for materials and supplies.
Distractions can be internal (such as racing thoughts or hunger) or external (like technology or other people). These distractions can lead to a poor understanding of material and feelings of frustration.
It’s important to limit the number of distractions however possible, so that your child can accomplish more work and retain as much of the homework material as possible. If your child has a cell phone, shut it off or put it in a different place until homework is complete. Make sure the TV is off and everyone else in the home is doing something relatively quiet.
Agendas are a key organizational tool for homework. Make sure your child has an agenda with plenty of room to record important tasks and deadlines. An agenda not only reminds your child what needs to be completed for homework each night—it’s also a great place to write down questions to ask the teacher.
Look at your child’s agenda together and come up with a plan for what needs to be accomplished first. It can be tempting to do the easy work before anything else but encourage your child to tackle the tougher assignments first. Your child will have the most mental energy and focus at the start of homework time, so it’s important for him or her to get the most challenging work done first.
Choose a time of day to work on homework that is best suited to your family’s needs. Whether it is right after school or after dinner, make sure it’s a time your child can commit to throughout the whole week. Sticking to a set schedule helps build consistency, and gets the work done on time.
Create a plan with your child for how long he or she will work on homework each night. Depending on your child’s age, this can range from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Be sure to incorporate study breaks while your child works on his or her homework. Learning how to take a study break that works is the best way to handle a busy homework night. A short 5-10 minute break every 30 minutes or so gives your child a chance to regroup and avoid boredom or frustration.
Don’t do the homework for your child, but be available when he or she needs some help. If your child can complete work independently, check in every once and a while to ask how things are going.
Knowing you are there to help if needed will assure your child that he or she has the support to accomplish what needs to be done.
Regularly talking to your child’s teacher is a great routine to establish. Being informed will help you keep your child accountable for the work that needs to be completed.
Ask about upcoming projects that may require extra help or any regularly occurring assignments. Add these things to a master calendar that the family shares to keep everyone informed and on track!
“Do your homework!” are 3 words heard in many households. Set a good example for your child by practising what you preach.
What your child sees you doing has a big influence on what he or she does. Read a book, do some research, or scratch a chore off your to-do list while your child is working on homework.
If your child is working hard, give him or her praise for doing a great job. Be sure to recognize his or her efforts, not just intelligence.
Your child will appreciate that his or her hard work is not going unrecognized, and will be more motivated to continue working just as hard.
If your child is feeling stressed by homework, or just can’t master the concepts, then it’s time to seek help. Arrange to talk to your child’s teacher or seek out after-school tutoring to help your child stay on track.
Fixing the problem before it becomes a bigger issue is key to success in school.
Good Grades Start With A Solid Homework Strategy
Homework can be a challenging experience, especially when it starts piling up for your child. But with a well-established homework routine, your child will build confidence in his or her ability to manage time and study more effectively.
If your child is struggling to build homework skills, our Homework Help Tutoring is a good option to help him or her get back on track!
Check out some of our other homework-related resources:
- Infographic: How Does Homework Actually Affect Students?
- How To Study At Home (Without Getting Distracted)